Why work with pussy?

Reasons NOT to work with pussy

There are a lot of ways to practice embodiment -- there's breath work, chakra activation, moving meditations like yoga and qi gong -- that are not focused on working with one's sexual organs.

And a lot of women prefer NOT to work with their own pussies.

It can feel incredibly awkward, and bring up all kinds of unpleasant feelings ranging from shame to disgust to even just... boredom.

But here are 3 reasons why doing regular practices to connect with your own pussy are so important for your pleasure, relationships, and overall quality of life:

#1 She is probably the part of your body that you ignore or avoid the most

The fact that our yoni (our set of sexual organs: vulva, vagina, womb) is primarily internal makes it that much easier to ignore, to not feel, to not acknowledge (as opposed to male genitalia, which is probably very difficult for its owner to ignore for very long, as it needs to be constantly touched, handled, adjusted, etc. in the course of daily living).  

But it's not just that pussy is mostly internal that has caused us to ignore her.

It's also because we've been actively discouraged from engaging with her.

Masturbation is treated as a given for boys, while girls who masturbate are treated as sexual deviants, and overtly sexual women are slut-shamed.

Most women feel that their vulva is ugly, because when we do see vulvas (in p0rn, primarily...) they tend to be the same, "tidy" type, and because we've heard people talk disparagingly about their smell or appearance (if not in 'real life' then likely in movies, television shows, standup comedy, or other entertainment spaces).

Not to mention, many many women have experienced trauma to their yoni, and it can feel incredibly vulnerable, or unsafe, to "wake her up" because what if they remember something horrifying? What if they FEEL something horrifying? What if they feel nothing at all and conclude that their pussy is broken or ruined in some un-redeemable way?

For all these reasons, women are likely to simply ignore their pussies outside of sex and masturbation; it rarely occurs to us to to begin an intimacy practice with our own yoni/pussy without encouragement and support from someone else who is already doing this work -- how could it??

I had to be invited and initiated into this work by someone else, and now I'm here sharing what I've learned with you.

And someday (if you haven't already), I hope you'll encourage another woman in your life to reconnect with her yoni/pussy and have your own beautiful, profound, healing experiences to share about it!

#2 Regular attention keeps your yoni feeling happy, juicy, and pleasure-ready!

Pussy loooooves attention and adoration (just like we do!). After a long period of feeling neglected, it may take some time to rebuild trust with her before she opens up again (*ahem*... just like us...) but when she does, it is soooo rewarding and worth the effort.

Again - just like us 😉

Your yoni egg practice is an amazing way to engage with her, to literally engage your vaginal muscles and strengthen your pelvic floor, increase blood flow, stimulate all the nerve endings along your vaginal canal and cervix -- all of which promote pleasure sensitivity, energy flow, and aliveness throughout your yoni! 

The more consistently you practice, the more swiftly results will come and begin compounding, which means:

  • Deeper self-love and self-lust
  • Stronger self-connection, especially during sex
  • More orgasms
  • Stronger orgasms
  • New kinds of orgasms
  • Easier orgasms
  • More profound, full-body, spiritually nourishing orgasms

These results apply to your own self-pleasure, as well as partnered sex!

And when you are regularly blissed out with your partner, it cultivates a stronger bond, more feelings of in-love-ness, more attraction and desire, and helps both of you to feel more relaxed and at ease with one another.

#3 Cultivating deep intimacy with your pussy means tapping into more Source, more wisdom, more surrender, and more pleasure in every area of your life

This is one of those things that in many ways, I don't feel I can adequately explain on a scientific level. But it certainly feels true in my own experience, and I am definitely not alone in this.

The more time I spend bringing consciousness to my own yoni -- touching her, thinking about her, noticing how she feels and the different kinds of energy she activates in me -- the more I feel connected to The Great Mystery of my own existence, and the more magical and pleasurable life feels.

It's a tough thing to articulate, but having a strong relationship with her has made me feel more magical my own self, like I trust myself more, and I can trust LIFE more... I do not have to force pleasure or orgasm or success or love or gratitude, I just need to cultivate presence and openness, and be ready to receive all the goodness.

Have you ever noticed how the best orgasms are the ones that are slow to build, where you feel like you have all the time in the world, and you can be present to the pleasure moment-to-moment and eventually the waves of orgasmic pleasure just wash over you effortlessly? 

Imagine if THAT pussy wisdom guided your entire life.

Pussy knows what's she's doing. She knows how to make things delicious, interesting, and deep. 

How you relate to your pussy is a mirror (and guide) for relating to everything Feminine (i.e., everything non-linear, chaotic, dark, mysterious, unpredictable, the Truth that runs deeper than our rational comprehension). 

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