Please use the form below to share about and celebrate your experience inside GATEWAY - the first foundational course of your Infinite Intimacy journey! As a thank-you, you'll receive a $10 Amazon gift card :)
Why did you join Infinite Intimacy? What problem or desire was motivating you?
What's been the most valuable part of the Infinite Intimacy container so far, and why?
What has been the best part about GATEWAY? What new experiences or breakthroughs with your pussy and body have happened so far?
Is there anything else you'd like others to know about Infinite Intimacy, or GATEWAY specifically?
By completing and submitting this form, you agree to have your name (however much of it you disclose in the form) and your responses used in my (Michelle Martinez, BodyWise Coaching) social media accounts, email newsletters, website, and any other marketing channels I may use in the future.