Sacred Slut
Erotic embodiment skills for women who refuse to settle for a mediocre, shame-stifled sex life and are ready to enjoy full sexual self-expression
The madonna/whore paradigm taught us we can't be "good," respectable women and sexually free at the same time.
But the sacred slut knows better ;)
She's the part of you who knows...
Your sexuality is SACRED, your pleasure is INNOCENT, and your body is cosmic PERFECTION.
Enough with the walks of shame, the guilt hangovers, the constant self-berating over choices in your love life. Sex shouldn't have to feel dirty or wrong to be hot AF.... unless that's your kink ;)
Why "Slut", though?
Because we all have a slutty side, the part of us that knows how to be unapologetically sexual.
And I believe that the feelings a woman experiences when she taps into that energy are divinely inspired impulses from Goddess herself.
I mean, look how yummy they are:
"Be bold! Be flirtatious! Be proud of your body! Let the most subtle touch, a sexy smell, or fleeting eye contact put you over the edge!
Feel your power and pursue your pleasure!"
And all that morning-after, walk-of-shame self-judgment spiraling?
That's energetic residue from internalized Patriarchal Sex Culture, the widespread narrative that sex is basically the territory of men:
- The initiation of sex based on his erection, the definition of sex as penetration by his penis, and conclusion of sex based on his ejaculation.
- Catering to men's gaze, their desires, and protecting their sexual shadows.
- Masculinizing God so that our religions uphold this narrative and convince women they have no sexual or spiritual authority.
But we have the power to change that narrative...
Return of the Goddess
(specifically, one who f*cks)
Together, we're embodying a reality in which everyone speaks the language of feminine pleasure, our diverse bodies are adored, and the sexual-spiritual authority of the goddess is once again upheld with fierce reverence.
The Sacred Slut Initiation
Sacred Slut is a 12-week, deep-dive Initiation into the sacredness of your sexuality to guide you into erotic alignment in 6 key areas:
The Divine Feminine. Goddess. Shakti. Life Force.
There are so many names for this Power, and yet she has been missing from western religious teachings for far too long.
In this module we remember Her, within us and around us, and how to trust Her in our own knowing and erotic leadership.
Self-trust and safety enable a sacred slut to fully surrender herself to the sexual experience and allow pleasure to move through her in ways that just aren't possible from a state of embodied "shut down."
Learn how to trust your body's yes, no, and maybe, and honor that knowing without need for explanation or apology.
Nothing is created in the 3D world without first being created in the mind.... in Consciousness.
Re-imagine your sexuality and spirituality as not merely able to coexist within you, but mutually reinforcing, so you can embrace your full sexual expression as service to the Highest Good!
It is a myth that women do not desire sex as much as men. What we desire is just different than what we've been presented with, the options we've been given.
Here we explore what we actually desire from sex, and how deeply valid those desires are.
Release the belief that your sexual pleasure is sinful, dirty, or will make you lose the respect of others, so you can experience orgasmic surrender as a gateway to eternity and ecstasy (as it was intended!)
In defiance of society's efforts, beauty is truly diverse and abundant, and refuses to be defined and measured.
In this module, you will learn about self-lust and how to see beauty in your own gorgeous, changing, evolving form so you can enjoy your body and beauty, first and foremost, for YOURSELF.
About Your Coach
I'm Michelle Martinez, MPH
I believe that sexual wounds, insecurities, and trauma are a public health issue, a root cause of the suffering and disconnection we experience as humans today.
And I believe that deep, connected, full-of-love sex can actually support the spiritual evolution and enlightenment of humanity. So that's what I'm here to serve.
My coaching methods have evolved from three key influences:

I have over 10 years' experience working in psychology research labs, exploring the benefits and mechanisms of change for therapies such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Dialectical Behavior Therapy on trauma and depression, which now inform my coaching practice.
Trauma Awareness
With a PTSD research team in Seattle, I co-authored 16 publications on mindfulness- and meditation-based therapies for PTSD, appearing in the American Journal of Medicine, Medical Care, the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and the Journal of Traumatic Stress.
I also co-authored a chapter on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the 4th Edition of Integrative Medicine.
I completed a 600-hour training in the Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach to coaching, with specialized certification in Female Sexuality and Tantric Sex from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.
Although I am not a tantra expert or guru, many of my coaching tools draw from concepts and practices learned in my studies of tantra and neo-tantra.
I want to be so connected with myself that shame and guilt will disappear
"I want to learn to be more gentle, sensual, delicate, and slow. I want to be free of judgment when it comes to pleasure and sex. I want to connect with my womb, sexual energy, creativity, intuition, secret genius.
I want to allow myself to fully and unapologetically express my sexual needs without judging them. I want to heal sexual blockages in my body, mind, and spirit caused by previous unhealthy relationships. I want to be so connected with myself that shame and guilt will disappear."
- Student's response to "Why did you join Sacred Slut?"
shifting cultural + personal + embodied reality
3 Tools of Transformation
Every module of Sacred Slut combines 3 powerful tools to support your transformation into the most sexually free and authentic version of yourself. Here's why each of them matters and how they work together to set you up for success:
Video Lessons for Perspective & Context
These lessons provide historical-social context for the narratives of Patriarchal Sex Culture, call them out as the myths they are, remind us that this is not how things have always been, and remind us that we have the power to create new personal and cultural possibilities
Reflection Questions to Bring it Home
To explore how the material applies to YOU and YOUR life, and examine the limiting beliefs you may have around what's realistic or possible for you in your love life
Embodiment Rituals to Make it TRUE
To intentionally PRACTICE feeling what you want to feel, bringing your empowering beliefs from your head into your body, and embodying the reality of your sacred slut more and more readily
Sacred Slut Initiation
More Client Results
These results are from my private coaching clients, who come from all over the world. The practices I have given them to achieve these results are the same ones you will receive in Sacred Slut.
The specific desires and struggles that brought them to this work are unique, but they have one thing in common: they yearn for integration between their spiritual selves and their sexual selves. They were ready and willing to do the deep self-exploration necessary to create sex lives that satisfy their bodies, hearts, and souls. And that is the work we do together in Sacred Slut.
United States
"Michelle's beautiful voice keeps me focused and feeling safe as I explore parts of myself that may feel triggering. Without pushing, she guides me through my triggers and I leave my sessions feeling relaxed and integrated... I know these sessions will allow me to learn to love my body more and more!"
Stacy H.
United States
"One of my biggest takeaways will be how my vastly improved relationship with my body has in turn vastly improved my relationship with the divine.
I find that I'm no longer so focused on my appearance and therefore have capacity for far deeper experiences."
Chelsea A.
United States
"Michelle's body and heart wisdom and masterful guidance have allowed me to expand my frame of reference around love, cultivate a deeper connection to my partner, and begin to break free from shame.
There is NOT a Facebook group for this program. I want to encourage clients to spend less time on social media, and more time engaging with their own wisdom and bodies.
And on a personal level, I am trying to spend less time on Facebook ;)
I understand the concern ;) But not -- it will simply read "SS coaching" or "BodyWise Coaching"
There is one in the works!! I plan to launch this in 2022 but do not have a precise launch date yet.
If you know someone -- or ARE someone -- interested in my sacred sexuality program for men, you can get on the waitlist by signing up below:
There is a form inside the Sacred Slut program that you can use to submit questions to Michelle at any time. Depending on the nature of the question, she will provide a direct response to you, or record a Q&A video for other participants to learn from. (Your name will never be used in those videos without your consent.)
The BodyWise App
The BodyWise App is the central space where all your Sacred Slut videos, audio guides, practice tracking, and coaching call links can be found.
Here are a few of the ways using an app, rather than a traditional web-based online course, will support your progress in this program:
With the BodyWise app, you can access Sacred Slut videos, audio practices, and worksheets from your mobile phone or tablet anytime, anywhere.
Going somewhere without wifi? No problem!
You can download any lesson to be accessible offline so you can stay on track even in those pesky no-service zones.
Log your embodiment rituals and mindset with the app tracking feature to give yourself credit each time you do it, feel successful, and reinforce your commitment to your own sexual vitality!
the investment
Pay in Full
One payment for lifetime access to Sacred Slut in your BodyWise app account
3-Month Plan
Make 3 monthly payments of $166 and your payments will be complete even before you finish the course!
6-Month Plan
Enroll in Sacred Slut for less than $100 a month!
Ready for your Sacred Slut to take the lead?
Click below to begin your Initiation!