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How to Lust your husband again! 

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Sex is supposed to NOURISH YOU

(Not feel like a chore)

In heterosexual relationships where the man has a higher libido than the woman, it can be easy for her to feel burdened by his desire.

Like it's a chore.

An annoyance, even... to have him asking for sexual intimacy "all the time".

But I look at it like this:

Men's high libidos are a gift that serve women profoundly, because they keep us from neglecting our sexuality.And SEX IS IMPORTANT.  Not just for men, but for women too!  (Arguably more so.)

We NEED to be reminded of that.

THANK GOD FOR MEN who pull us away from our computers and invite us to the bedroom....

...who kiss our necks while we're doing the dishes...

... who remind us it's been too long since we felt each other's naked bodies and brought each other to orgasm.

Do they always initiate in a super charming and sexy way? Of course not. They're human beings, not character conjurings from a romance novel.

Does it turn you off when he comes across needy and whiney or tries to initiate in a dorky way? Of course it does. You're human too.

But these are not reasons to neglect sex in your relationship.

You just need to get honest with him about what ACTUALLY turns you on.... (and what turns you off...) he can learn to give you what you need and your sex life can become the mutually grounding, pleasurable, nourishing force in your life that it's supposed to be...

.... so that sex can feel like the place you go for all your pieces to get put back together again and come out of it feeling more WHOLE and more HOLY.

When you feel sexually alive, you feel more in love, you have more energy, you're in a better mood... everything just feels BETTER.

"I regret investing in my sexual joy..." 👈 said no one ever.

Want to CRAVE sex with your husband?

Hop on the waitlist!

About Me

Michelle Martinez, MPH

I believe that ancestral and ongoing sexual wounds, insecurities, and trauma are a public health issue, a root cause of the suffering and disconnection we experience as humans today.

And I believe all bodies are built for sex, and that deeply embodied, connected, full-of-love sexual intimacy can actually support the spiritual evolution and enlightenment of humanity.

So that's what I'm here to serve.
